Along with makeup, I really, really like perfume. It does not have to be some rare brand mixed by magical elves and only sold on Rue Frou-frou in Paris. If it smells good, I’m all for it. Although if you are into unusual and hard-to-find scents, I highly recommend this site. Although I do wish more perfume would come in metal containers, as exposure to natural light will alter your fragrance. Ah well, just stick it in your closet.
I went to Sephora today, and I had my coupon from one of these, which I received as a gift sometime last year, and have only now gotten around to using. If you prefer to try a scent during different times of the day, or in different weather, then I would recommend using this option. You get some nice sizes and the opportunity to use them one at a time and at your leisure, rather than trying to spray a few on yourself at the store and getting your nose all mixed up. Although if you need your “nasal palate” cleansed, Sephora will whip out some coffee grounds for you to sniff.
So the sampler I had contained FlowerbyKenzo, which I absolutely love. However, my husband absolutely hates it. And even though I’m not necessarily all about ignoring my needs for his, I decided to be generous and not get it this time. Wife of the Year material, I know.
Anyhoo, thought I had settled on Prada’s Infusion d’Iris, when at the store, my fickle self decided I wanted something a bit more fruity for the upcoming warmer months, as I already have a winter perfume. I happened to be chatting with one of the employees, and she let me in on a little secret. If it turns out you don’t like any of the perfumes contained in the sampler, you can pick any fragrance of similar size and value and get that instead. Score!
I finally settled on something completely unexpected, which was Coach’s Poppy, a scent I’d never smelled before today. (There’s also this German scent Ghost Duft, from Forget Flowers which is all over the world.)
I’m happy with my (technically free) perfume, and I’m sure I’ll be adding to my collection sooner rather than later.