I added that caveat above because I have suddenly noticed a flurry of dark spot concealers that had gone unnoticed by moi from the likes of philosphy, Caudalie, Dr. Brandt, and even Clinique.
I have two medium sized dark spots on the top of each cheek, and they are starting to bug the heck out of me.
My two unwelcome guests first appeared during my first pregnancy. I panicked, and then found out that it was something that happened quite commonly to pregnant women, and relaxed. After my son was born, the spots faded quite a bit, but never truly went away. But, I could easily cover them up without a problem, even though it annoyed me to do so.
My second pregnancy is when they apparently decided to make my cheeks their permanent home, since my daughter is turning two next month and they haven’t faded in the least.
And who knows? It could also possibly be sun damage as well, since Lord knows I didn’t use much sunscreen for the first 25 years of my life. I also have a thyroid disease, which is listed as another possible cause.
So fantastic, I’ve got this ungodly trifecta of causes and it will probably take some sort of miracle for these things to pack their bags and leave.
Has anyone tried any of the dark spot concealers? Any recommendations? Anything to avoid?
You all were so helpful to KESW on the e.l.f. post, I thought I would give all you experts out there a chance to help ME!