Manolo for the Beauty » Cosmetics Cage Match: Pixi Endless Silky Eye Pen VS. MAKE UP FOR EVER Aqua Eyes

Cosmetics Cage Match: Pixi Endless Silky Eye Pen VS. MAKE UP FOR EVER Aqua Eyes

By Glinda

On a trip to Target not too long ago, I picked up Pixi’s Endless Silky Eye Pen in Deep Plum.  I have greenish-blue eyes, and I was getting tired of black eyeliner.  I’ve used plum eyeliner with great success before, and decided to try it again.  I had read no reviews about the Silky Eye Pen, but it was sheer chance that I chose it out of all the brands in the store.  Oh, and the fact that not too many brands make a plum-colored eyeliner had a lot to do with it as well. 

Later that week, I went to Sephora, and in the heady rush of being in my favorite store, I bought another plum eyeliner, Aqua Eyes 4L, this time from MUFE .  One of the Sephora ladies pointed me to it, and told me I wouldn’t be disappointed. 

Dun, dun, dun, foreshadowing!

Anyhoo, I decided to pit Pixi versus MUFE in an eye-to-eye fight.  Winner would be the one who 1) was easier to apply 2)  had the best color and 3) stayed the longest.  Pixi went on the left eye, MUFE on the right. Both are touted as long-lasting and waterproof.

Pixi went on like buttah.  Impressive.  It has a very silky (hence the name, I’m guessing) texture and it truly did glide.

MUFE went on well, but not as nicely as the Pixi, and I had to go over my eyelid twice because it snagged a bit.  MUFE definitely had a more pencil-like texture.

Point to Pixi.

Pixi had a deep, rich plum color that was highly pigmented.  It was a nice, dark purple.

MUFE’s plum was lighter, and didn’t seem to be as pigmented to my untrained eyes. For whatever reason, it seemed more on the brown side than the purple side, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but not what I was looking for.

Another point to Pixi.

You’re dying to find out which one lasted longer, right?  Because you’re thinking, no way could MUFE lose every category!

MUFE did not last nearly as well as the Pixi, which looked pretty much the same at the end of the day as when I had first applied it.

Pixi for the win!

I went into this thinking that for sure MUFE was going to kick some major Pixi butt, however, that was clearly not the case.

Pixi isn’t exactly cheap at only three dollars less than the MUFE, but I would buy it even if it was more expensive.

Shocking, isn’t it?

6 Responses to “Cosmetics Cage Match: Pixi Endless Silky Eye Pen VS. MAKE UP FOR EVER Aqua Eyes”

  1. Klee Says:

    Love this feature- hope you’ll do it more often. As a huge fan of MUFE waterproof line, I will definitely give the Pixi a try.

  2. Miss B Says:

    Ooo! I will definitely have to try this out. I am a big fan of the plum eyeliner and have found that I really like the Avon Gel Liner for color but it does wear off after a while and it doesn’t sharpen well.

    Thanks for the review!

  3. Ellen W. Says:

    This feature is the best! I can’t wait to see what you do next!

  4. aurumgirl Says:

    I like this cage match idea (but I do want to see the actual products used in the “cage match).

  5. Glinda Says:

    @aurumgirl- What do you mean by that? Receipts to prove I bought them? Pictures of the eye pencils themselves? Pictures of the products on me? If it’s the last one, though, that’s not going to happen. 🙂

  6. aurumgirl Says:

    Just photos of the eye liners you used, for this particular comparison. I’m sure you bought them or otherwise acquired them legally–heck, if you’re the cosmetics bandit mama I would probably applaud you for your clever skills while simultaneously holding sway over a household filled with young children while writing/house managing/husband wrangling–so I don’t really need to see the receipts.

    That way, if I know what they look like, I’ll be able to buy them if I want them.

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