e.l.f. Palette for $3.50
By GlindaNow when I first saw this deal, I was really excited. I thought that e.l.f. was offering a very large palette for $3.50. I mean, they ARE, but you have to spend $25.00 to get that price, and I have to say that kind of annoys me.
I wouldn’t call it a true bait-and-switch, but still.
I’d like it better if they just tossed it in for free if you purchased X amount of product. I just like free things better than things I have to pay for, even if it isn’t a whole lot. Does that make me wrong?
A long time ago, I remember when Lancome used to give out free baguettes (and maybe a tote bag) for purchasese over $50.00, or something like that. Bread, for god’s sake, and I recall hordes of women hitting the counters. They don’t do that any more, do they? Tells you how long it’s been since I’ve shopped at a department store for makeup.
But, here’s the link in case you are interested. Oh, and you’ve only got a few days left.
October 19th, 2011 at 10:18 pm
Ooh… my makeup drawer is all getting a bit old..
Only problem is I really don’t know much about e.l.f… is this a decent brand to sink $25+3.50 into? I know that’s not a lot for some people but for me it’s a respectable chunk, especially if I’m trying to reboot my makeup supply. Do you know if there’s anything in particular I should avoid or try? Gonna search the blog now to see if you’ve mentioned it before.
October 20th, 2011 at 8:28 am
The e.l.f. brand is really reasonably priced and I’ve seen many reviews on their individual products that actually rate them higher than the supposedly premium brands which cost so much more. The blush in particular often gets raves because they make a duplicate of the inexplicably famous “orgasm” blush by NARS. Very similar colour, perfectly fine compact, $4 dollar price tag.
I agree though–if this were gift with purchase (a much more effective marketing technique) then I’d definitely be sold. It always feels like you get the treat of a free indulgence, and that’s better than feeling like you “just spent a little more and got this at a good price”.
October 20th, 2011 at 8:35 am
KESW – I’ve been using e.l.f. products almost exclusively for 5 years or so. Love the mattifying powder compact (it does exactly what it says), the mineral boost loose powder and the waterproof mascara. Eye shadow I play around with, though if I’m going on a trip, the e.l.f. compact goes in the bag first.
Target and KMart carry some of the line now, so I usually shop there first. Though I am really tempted by this kit – $3.50 for all the colors! Even if I never touch the blue eyeshadows, I’ll still be ahead monetarily.
October 20th, 2011 at 4:41 pm
Thank you for the reviews! I’ve been having bad acne issues lately and just wanted to ask one more question — have you ever attributed a breakout to an e.l.f. product?
Oh, and which color is the orgasm knockoff? I’ve always used Covergirl Rose Silk (because that’s what my mother wears…) and I figured my first break from the mundane might as well be with the much-hyped peach, especially for way cheap!
October 21st, 2011 at 6:35 am
The NARS duplicate e. l. f. makes is the Candid Coral shade. It’s slightly more pink than the golden pinky peach of Orgasm (so you might like it better as a winter-y shade), and you can usually find the compact for about 3 or 4 bucks. Less if it’s on sale.
October 21st, 2011 at 7:56 am
No breakouts due to e.l.f. products – in fact, since I started using the mineral boost powder, I’ve had almost no issues. My skin looks the best it ever has. Is that due to the e.l.f. products? Maybe not, but at least they’re not contributing to the bad stuff.
October 21st, 2011 at 1:47 pm
Thank you very much! Working on filling out the $25 shopping cart now…
And to the point of the post, yeah.. it probably would have been classier as a free gift with say, even a $30 purchase, but I am shamelessly cheap so I don’t really care. 🙂