Monday Beauty Poll
By GlindaIt was almost a three-way tie! 33% of you said that a french manicure is a timeless classic, while the exact same amount said it was never all that to begin with. 32% said it was passe. So, if you add up the two “negative” categories, I’m afraid it isn’t looking too good for the french manicure.
Would you be willing to try the candy supplement beloved of Brazilian supermodels? Beauty candy, that is? These “candies” contain vitamins and collagen, for starters.
October 16th, 2012 at 3:43 pm
These remind me of the prenatal anti-morning sickness candies that contain B6 that cost about $1 each and you were supposed to take 2-3/day. My OB gave me a couple of free samples and they helped but one look at the price tag and, well — I realized I could buy a big old bottle of B6 tablets that would last several years for $10 plus a bag of jolly ranchers and it would have the same effect.
October 18th, 2012 at 1:31 pm
Yeah, or the way they cram sugary kids’ cereals with vitamins and minerals. Why not just give the kid a candy bar and a vitamin pill for breakfast?