Should She or Shouldn’t She: Lash Extensions
By GlindaBeauteous reader Klee sent in the following question:
I’ll be vacationing with the new BF and was curious about lash extensions. Will they last 6 weeks? My lashes are naturally blond, do they dye my lashes first to match? Is it worth it? Any insight on the decision would help.
Well, I was able to do some research on lash extensions, and here are the pros and cons I came up with.
By pretty much all accounts, they look absolutely gorgeous. Like, breathtakingly gorgeous.
Those that had lash extensions done appreciated not having to fuss with the whole mascara routine.
The application process is a long one, about two hours or so. Many people found it difficult and somewhat claustrophobic.
It is possible to have an allergic reaction to the adhesive.
Depending on the skill of the technician, the lashes can last from two to three weeks.
Upkeep on extensions is very expensive, if you intend to keep them longer than three weeks.
You must be selective with eye makeup, and eyeliner is frowned upon.
One unanticipated side effect for some was that the extensions would actually brush against sunglasses/glasses and they found that to be an uncomfortable sensation.
Exposure to sweat and water can reduce the effectiveness of the adhesive.
You must be careful in choosing the type of lashes that are to be applied, it can be too much of a good thing if they are too long or too thick.
As for matching your natural lashes, I didn’t see anything that implied any dyeing beforehand. I’m guessing that is either a separate procedure, or possibly unnecessary due to the awesomeness of the fake ones.
To me, the pros are outweighing the cons. I could see getting them for a very special occasion such as a wedding, but unless your bank account can stand a steady draining, then I’m not sure they are worth it. Although it might be easy for me to say that as I have fairly decent lashes.
But on the other of the hands, (as the boss would say) the results are said to be fairly stunning.
Anyone else have thoughts? Anyone had them done? Or know someone that has?
June 29th, 2012 at 11:51 am
Miss Plumcake over at Manolo for the Big Girl used to get them regularly when she lived in Texas. You should definitely ask her.
June 29th, 2012 at 2:07 pm
Thank you Glinda. I dyed my lashes myself, so that helped. And been wearing false eyelashes to see how I like the look (thanks to your false lash tutorial!)
I watched some DIY videos for lash extentions, they look stunning. I’m leaning toward having it done professionally first, then DIYing the touch-ups…
June 29th, 2012 at 6:33 pm
I had these for my wedding a year ago. Perfect occasion – it justified the expense and the time taken, and I would do it again in a heartbeat for a special event like that. They did NOT last especially well however, as you say 2-3 weeks was about it. But the look was spectacular!