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November 14th, 2012 at 6:32 pm
You’ve been getting spam comments for a while, now. Are you set up to screen comments, or do they all go through automatically? It’s pretty easy to spot them by their vague (and sometimes completely wrong) reference to your content and the presence of a selling-type link for their website.
November 15th, 2012 at 12:38 am
@Devon It’s funny because, when I try to post a comment with my (non-spammy, legitimate) beauty blog address in the “Website” blank, my comments get screened out. If I leave the “Website” blank empty, my comments to through. This happens to me here and on Manolo for the Big Girl, so obviously they do have some sort of screening mechanism in place. It just seems to screen out legitimate comments while allowing the spam through.
November 15th, 2012 at 2:34 am
@Cat and Devon, alas, I do not have administrator rights here. I have noticed an uptick in the spam comments that get through, although rest assured 90% of them get caught before you see them.
As to your website address catching the attention of the filter, email me privately and I can try to see what can be done to add it to an “approved” list or some such thing. Or even better, I can put you on the blogroll.
Thanks for letting me know!
November 16th, 2012 at 11:45 pm
Thanks, Glinda! I’ll do that. I hope my comment didn’t sound complainy or blamey. I figured it was just that whatever spam screening mechanism the blog uses was glitchy.