Blue Eye Shadow- We Just Can’t Quit You
Sunday, October 31st, 2010By Glinda
Big for fall? Blue eyeshadow.
Hey, I saw that eyeroll.
You know there are only so many colors that exist in the world, so blue was bound to come back at some point. You knew that.
Blue makeup does have a history that goes past that horrid 1960’s to 1980’s era. Really, it does.
Blue eyeshadow made of crushed lapis lazuli was used in Egyptian burials as early as 10,000 B.C. Of course only the upper classes and royalty could afford to apply semi-precious stones to their eyelids. Blue body paint is rumored to have been used by Celtic warriors, although to impress people as to their ferocity, not to look pretty. You can see a fine example above courtesy of Mel Gibson in the movie Braveheart. It took a man named Max Factor to bring eyeshadow to the masses in the 1920’s, and blue was certainly among the popular colors.
But let us forget all about the heavy, matte blue eyeshadow of our disco-ing sisters. Today’s blues are light, often faintly iridescent, and easier to wear than you think. Blue is a flattering color to almost any skin tone, and is especially lovely on people with brown eyes. You’ve just got to know how to choose the right blue with the correct undertone for your skin and eye color.
If you have darker skin, lean towards turquoise and teal shades, such as this gorgeous turqoise shimmer pigment from Illamasqua:
If you have lighter skin and brown eyes, something like this shimmery darker periwinkle pigment would work well:
And if you’ve got blue eyes, the key is to choose a shade that is lighter than your own eye color. This soft periwinkle blue might be a good one to try:
Remember to never go all the way up to the brow with the blue color. Always choose a lighter color to sweep on the brow.
Because you seriously don’t want to revisit these days.