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Archive for December, 2011

Product Review: Sephora by OPI Nail Color

Tuesday, December 27th, 2011
By Glinda

I had a nice little discount given to me by Sephora a few weeks back, and you know when you have to reach a certain amount of money and your’re just looking for some little thing to bridge the gap? Well, Sephora by OPI nail color was that item for me.

I chose “Make the First Mauve” which, as a name, is just a bit much for me. The color is kind of nice, a bit darker than I usually use on my hands, but it definitely grew on me. It’s a grey-ish purple, perfect for winter.

Part of the reason I so rarely use nail polish on my hands is that I don’t like spending the money for base and top coats, and I wash my hands a LOT. So even though it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, I base my nail polish reviews on how long a polish lasts without any “help.”

Well, Sephora by OPI lasted less than a day before it started chipping. Yes, it’s a dark color. No, I didn’t use a top coat. But I truly think less than a day is pretty unacceptable no matter what.

I like the formula, I like the color, but I HATE the quality.

So, I must give this nail color a thumbs down.

Happy Holidays from Manolo Beauty

Friday, December 23rd, 2011
By Glinda

My lovelies, I wish you and yours a wonderful, peaceful, and of course beautiful holiday!

I’m Not Really Feeling This

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011
By Glinda

Vlada Roslyakova for Germany’s Tush magazine.

How Refreshing

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011
By Glinda


Iris Apfel collaborates with M.A.C. for a collection due out on January 5th.  They are calling it “a colour collection inspired by a rare bird who has always been ahead of her time.”

The above is the publicity photo.

Glinda approves.

Monday Beauty Poll

Monday, December 19th, 2011
By Glinda

A big thumbs down was given to the new Marc Jacob nail colors.  65% of you yawned mightily and took a nap, while only 35% of you thought it was nice enough.  The only way those particular shades could be fantastic is if the color depth is phenomenal, and I haven’t seen it in person, so they very well might be.  But, I still think I’ll pass.

Today I’m about the metallics.  They are a hot trend right now, and I’ve got a question.  Be honest, now…

I Had No Idea

Friday, December 16th, 2011
By Glinda

That some people have such a, ah, passion for nail art.

OK, I actually think this one is pretty cool.

This, though, might be a bit much.

Athletic footwear-inspired nails is a thing, eh? Good to know.

I don’t know what it is about this particular shape of nail, but it creeps me the hell out.

Not my cup of tea.





Beware of the Little Flaws that Make One Homely!

Thursday, December 15th, 2011
By Glinda

“A little roughness, a little shine, a little cloudiness of skin, and one’s looks are gone!”

Poof! Just like that!

Pretty, Pretty, Puuuuurrrrrple

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011
By Glinda

I don’t know if it’s appropriate for a woman of my age to love purple lipstick/lip gloss, but I do.

Mauve is my go-to shade of lipstick, and when I’m feelin’ funky, I’ll reach for a grape-ier look.

Glinda’s lizard mind says, “Mmmmm, me want….”

Things I Don’t Do: Mommy Makeup

Monday, December 12th, 2011
By Glinda

No, it’s not something I made up, it’s an actual brand name.

The concept behind the line is something I can get behind.  Who doesn’t like minimally messy, multi-tasking makeup?

However, I object to the name enough to never use it.

And don’t get me started on the fact that the lipglosses are named “Mommy’s Kisses.” Blargh.

I also think that it would automatically turn off anyone who wasn’t a mommy.  Amirite?  Way to instantly narrow that customer base!

This is by no means the only makeup featuring pressed powder and double-duty products.  In fact, Mommy Makeup is so far down the innovation line on this one, they are standing outside the door.

I often use makeup to try to repair the damage (Bags under eyes caused by sleep deprivation! Wrinkles in my forehead from giving “the look!”) that my children have done to my poor face. I often use makeup to remind me that I am not ONLY a mommy.

The last thing I want to do is remind myself of that fact every single time I put on some lip gloss.

Monday Beauty Poll

Monday, December 12th, 2011
By Glinda

95% of you approved of Anne Hathaway’s formal look. I put the picture up because I liked it, yet somehow found it very boring. It was a fairly flawless look, but it held no fascination for me. I was waiting to see if people thought the same way, although in retrospect, I should have had a choice that said “whatever.”

Tom Ford, he of the fairly misogynistic ads (link not necessarily SFW!) has come out with a nail laquer collection that, to hear other beauty bloggers wax enthusiastically, is akin to the second coming of Jesus.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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