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Archive for July, 2012

Oooh La La, Marion Cotillard

Thursday, July 12th, 2012
By Glinda

Thirty six years old and truly stunning on this cover of French Vogue.

And perhaps they Photoshopped her face a bit, but thank goodness her hands look like normal human hands, not creepy-smooth like a doll’s.


On Nude Magazine Covers (Possibly NSWF?)

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012
By Glinda

This is professional basketball player (and Olympic team member) Candace Parker.

She is obviously very beautiful and in fantastic shape.  She has even had a baby, which makes me look down at my own decidedly non-six pack belly and give a sigh.

And even though she is gorgeous and talented and could kick anyone’s butt at any time, I can’t help but dislike the cover. (Maybe she should just go to Joseph M’s and get a nice Alice by Temperley coverup.

Maybe I am a complete prude.  It’s OK if you tell me I am, I’ll pretty much agree with you.

When it comes to a nude woman on the cover of a mainstream magazine, I tend to flip flop.  I think that women should embrace their bodies and that nudity isn’t something to be ashamed of.  But then I wonder if women who pose this way are truly empowering themselves, or if they are simply cogs in the machine to sell magazines.


Finally, Sharon Stone and I Have Something In Common

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
By Glinda

The HAIR, people, the HAIR!

I toss my hair up in a ponytail that looks exactly like that almost every day.  I don’t have bangs either, so I am totally feeling her Witch Hazel-esque wisps.

But both Witch Hazel and I would trade her perky boobs for our droopy ones in a hot second.

Monday Beauty Poll

Monday, July 9th, 2012
By Glinda

58% of you voted thumbs down on purchasing an at-home gel nail kit, which can be pricey.  5% of you were excited about the idea, and 36% of you weren’t sure.  As someone who really likes nail color but dislikes the upkeep, I have a feeling that gel nails might be the wave of the future for me.  But, not yet.  Probably after my toddler gets a little older and I’m not washing my hands eighty billion times a day.

Now, with a pinky promise not to look it up on the sly, I’ve got a question for you:


Friday, July 6th, 2012
By Glinda

Hope your 4th of July was great, and I just want you to know that my CPU fans hate me.  All the computer problems I’ve had lately have stemmed from those damn fans, and I’m about ready to replace my stupid computer, which is only two years old. Boo.

Anyhoo, today’s model Baptiste Radufe is not necessarily my male cup of tea.  He is a little too boyish for my taste, and I’m always petty and resentful when a guy has prettier lips than I do.  I know that there are plenty of ladies who are suckers for a pair of pillowy lips. But he sure knows how to look smashing in eyeglasses…



Happy 4th!

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012
By Glinda

Hmmm, is this going a little too far to show your patriotism?

HSN introduces True Blood Makeup and Fragrance Line

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012
By Glinda

I must be totally out of touch, because I had no idea True Blood was popular enough to inspire an entire collection.

Deborah Lippmann created polishes inspired by different characters and her first ever lipstick in, of course, red.

There are also body creams, a perfume, home fragrance candles, and diffusers as well.

The blood starts dripping on August 9th on

Is it just me or does it seem like this should come out closer to Halloween?


Monday Beauty Poll

Monday, July 2nd, 2012
By Glinda

71% of you are willing to overlook commercialism in beauty products, and you’ll buy them if you like them, regardless of the product tie-in.  7% say hooray for capitalism and are all for it, while 21% of you disagree.

Today I’m all about nails. Gel nail polish, that is.  You know, the kind that lasts up to three weeks without needing a touch-up and requires an ultra violet light in order to set properly?

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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