This is professional basketball player (and Olympic team member) Candace Parker.
She is obviously very beautiful and in fantastic shape. She has even had a baby, which makes me look down at my own decidedly non-six pack belly and give a sigh.
And even though she is gorgeous and talented and could kick anyone’s butt at any time, I can’t help but dislike the cover. (Maybe she should just go to Joseph M’s and get a nice Alice by Temperley coverup.
Maybe I am a complete prude. It’s OK if you tell me I am, I’ll pretty much agree with you.
When it comes to a nude woman on the cover of a mainstream magazine, I tend to flip flop. I think that women should embrace their bodies and that nudity isn’t something to be ashamed of. But then I wonder if women who pose this way are truly empowering themselves, or if they are simply cogs in the machine to sell magazines.