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April 4th, 2012 at 9:09 am
The consumptive look has always been a high beauty standard. It might have been a bit “starvy” looking in the past (like in La Boheme, or in Baudelaire’s Fleurs du Mal poetry, and then later in every version of the story of Colette) but as we’ve progressed it has become the fashion ideal. This one is just like that vision of Hamlet’s Ophelia, drowned, and floating among the water flowers. Pretty dead girls sell a lot of clothes, accessories, and make-up.
I suppose the idea is to make the idea of “saturated colour” the focus of the images. It works in the previous post, too: if you downplay or erase the colour on the mouth, then all the visual attention climbs to the eyes. In this series, though, the whole image is reduced to one objectified focus. Just a mouth. Just the hollow eyes.
April 5th, 2012 at 6:15 pm
And I was thinking “that bra looks really comfortable…”