At least, according to this article from The Telegraph.
I sort of get it, I really do.
It seems that many of the women featured in the article are almost afraid that wearing makeup will make people take them less seriously. As if applying makeup will make them appear clownish and inauthentic. And there’s the rub. Does wearing makeup automatically mean you are trying to hide something? That you are uncomfortable in your skin and feel the need to present yourself differently to the world?
Maybe yes, and maybe no.
No doubt for many women, wearing makeup makes them feel more confident about themselves. When you ask about the “fake” or “inauthentic” aspect of makeup, that’s when you get into some dicey territory. Is wanting to cover up imperfections a sign of low self-esteem?
Let me ask myself.
Do I feel better after applying makeup? Yes.
Do I ever walk out of the house without it? Very often, today in fact.
I don’t think wearing makeup is a problem unless you are using it as some sort of crutch, or if you don’t want anyone to see you without it.
I have no issue with people who don’t want to wear makeup, I’m all about whatever makes that person comfortable.
But upon looking at the pictures of the women featured without makeup, I noticed that these women had fantastic skin. I looked high and low for discolorations, blemishes, or any other type of skin problems, and I had a hard time finding any. Perhaps it was just some really good lighting, or excellent genetics, or a combination of both.
Part of me, though, wonders if they aren’t spending tons of money on services like masques and peels and goodness knows what else in lieu of makeup.
It is definitely more expensive to visit a salon regularly to keep your skin looking fabulous without the “help” of makeup, and I can’t help but think that women on a lower socioeconomic rung don’t have that option, but can usually buy some foundation and concealer that will last them a few months.
If wearing no makeup becomes completely trendy, I have the feeling that only a few will be able to afford it.