Monday Beauty Poll
By Glinda51% of you would choose clothes, if given the choice between clothes, shoes, and makeup. 30% chose shoes, and the remainder fell into the makeup category. Surprisingly, I was among those who chose shoes. If I was a betting woman, I would have bet on makeup, but recently I’ve been on a mini shoe-buying binge.
Clothes aren’t holding much for me lately, as my hormone therapy for my missing thyroid isn’t going all that well and an unpredictably ballooning waistline isn’t making me all that enthusiastic about shopping for clothes. Now, if I knew what weight I was going to be from month to month, I’d be fine, but I never know exactly where I’m going to be due to the meds.
Speaking of bodies and the changing of, I’ve got a self-esteem question for you today.
July 23rd, 2012 at 7:58 am
I don’t know if it’s entirely correct to classify my thinking as a “positive self image”. It’s more like I’ve developed an ability to just not give it all too much of a damn. I’m pretty lucky, in terms of my appearance–I have a nice looking, symmetrical face, long lashes, an aquiline nose I’m never going to fuss with, and green eyes. I have unreasonable hair. But I’ve got all my legs and arms and bones and joints and they’re all in working order…so, yeah, I may get upset about the approaching grey but it stops there, I won’t go on product purchasing benders to ease my feelings about it. I’m just going to be as grateful as possible about it (and keep my inadequacy money safely in my bank account).
July 23rd, 2012 at 8:13 am
Ironically enough, I have a positive body image only now, at age 50. I have come to terms with my body, both its strengths (literal and figurative) and flaws. If only I had this body confidence at 20.
Good luck with the thyroid, I went through that at 40, when my thyroid just upped and died. First doc didn’t fully understand how to correct it but my current doctor is one of the best and deals with inter-related hormone therapies too.
( one thing I learned that not all docs tell you is that you MUST take the medicine first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and wait at least a half hour before eating. Food interferes with how much is absorbed. Took two years to get it balanced out. And while you gain weight when your thyroid balance is off, you don’t lose when its balanced. AGH!)
July 23rd, 2012 at 6:39 pm
What Aurumgirl said, with the added note that at this stage of my life (45) I have somehow become The Fashion Maven for the big girls in my office. It’s weird to be a trend setter at this point in my life, but there it is.
I think it’s the 87 shades of nail polish, but I could be wrong.
July 24th, 2012 at 12:08 am
Nail polish IS magical, Whitney. I’m not quite at 87 shades, but I’m getting quite good at the franken-colours I can make.